The vanishing stereo rack

Following up on another discussion about how important it is to be in the same room as your stereo equipment, Dynaudio is apparently already making the entire stereo vanish.


One box solution never really worked for audiophiles, let's see the new generation, though i think we have a way to go. 

I believe that main issue is how to vanish the speakers and if industry figures it out then the big guns will have a way to push it in volume.

If this catches on, we will save an awful lot of $$$$ on smart, even exotic, case design.  That will enable better SQ for money, which can only be a good thing.

But I don't think I'm alone in saying that I get a kick from seeing all that expensive case-work while I'm listening...

If that picture is the future, count me OUT.

Well that space does look like it would need some room correction.

Hey, i have a Sony boombox with built in cassette and CD and a bass boost button.  What more would you want?