problem with rega planet

I have a rega plannet about three years old that has recently had trouble with the first 3 or 4 tacks of a cd.Tracks 1-4 when played skip randomly,on any cd while songs 4 or 5 play fine.Any ideas as to what the problem may be and or how to resolve the issue would be appreciated
very much.
ahh you should had bought a Cayin 17. Mine is working perfect after 4 yrs. cdp's have a notorious reputation of break downs. Know which break down(avoid) and which are reliable(purchase).
laser problem, possibly alignment probably dying and needs replaced. The telltale is beginning tracks(less RPM) are more likely to skip than ending tacks(more RPM) Good luck.

It could be as simple as a dirty laser or, worse, a failing
mechanism. Contact the distributor. They can provide you contact information for an authorized Rega repair facility.
If you budget allows consider upgrading to the Rega Apollo.
Much better than the original or 2000 planet.

Bartokfan, can you ever respond to a question without pushing Cayin?
I've had my original Planet for 12 years or something like that now. Never a problem of any kind, ever.
Narrod, sure, But thought I'd pass on a 'best kept secret". No harm done , right? Or should I demo competition so I can find out I;'m wrong, that the cayin is less than my opinion??? Not sure why my experience counts for so little around here. How many here have resources to demo a cayin 17, w/o buying first? Just passing on what i know based on 30 yrs in this hobby. I know more than how my posts appear. If I say the Cayin is built like a tank, trust me, its the truth.