My endgame system I think

Good day everyone. I wanted to share what I believe is my endgame 2 channel system and say thank you to all of the members here for all of the advice I’ve gotten and read. It’s a simple system but the forum has  guided me tremendously with my decisions. A special thank you goes out to Duke of audiokinesis  (who I met at Axpona was very gracious with a few questions I had) for recommending Jeff at HDacoustics to design my room that I built while the speakers were being built. I hope to have many years enjoying my new system. Thanks again everyone ! 



Beautiful system. Has family life driven you to the basement? Lol, in all seriousness congrats on your arrival.


I am always upgrading especially every few years as digital progresses , I mod my own Loudspeaker Xovers which the vast majority from the factory are average quality at best ,which can dramatically improve your Loudspeakers.

Modifying Xovers is definitely well worth the effort. Treatment inside enclosures is often minimalist and inadequate. Lots of room for improvement. I line all surfaces with a sound deadening material and fill the enclosure with a sound absorbing material (Mundorf Twaron Angel Hair Wadding). 

Perhaps the best thing I did was ground every metal component even when it is earthed through a mains cable (cases, speaker frames or baskets. monitor stands, even tv stands or wall brackets) with a router. The recommended method is run a separate cable to the router for each connection rather than a create a daisy chain.


nice system but you should learn to set it up properly you got the speakers way too close to the back wall and why do you have it set up on the diagonal use the whole width of the room your sound stage will get much wider and deeper.

Thank you everyone for the nice comments and suggestions. 


I was originally thinking the set up would be something like your thoughts but the acoustician who designed the room said with the one angled wall behind the listening chair the corner set up would work best. The walls are not all built the same way so there isn’t much wiggle room with the speaker positioning. I could give it a try to see though. 

A very de minimis high performer system you have put together.  You must go through tremendous time and effort to sort out and eventually end up with this particular combination in this price range you consider as the "endgame".  It will be more informative/eductional for all audiogoners if you could share your decision making experience during this process, such as what other speakers/amp you have also auditioned ...