Any Downside To Installing A Whole Home Surge Protector?

I'm wondering if there is any downside to installing a whole home surge protector at the mains. I've found that plugging my amp into one reduces the sound quality, while plugging it into the wall makes me nervous. 


A local electrician will install one at the mains that drain any hit through the ground for $375. This will protect everything in my condo. 


From a couple of papers I’ve read, it’s best to connect a surge protector to neutral, not ground. It prevents high voltages from appearing on the chassis of connected devices (basically anything with a ground prong). Plus, the neutral is a lot fatter conductor than ground.

No downside. I do want to point out that even whole house surge makers recommend you supplement with protectors at delicate devices due to a couple of issues:

  • Clamping voltage of whole house protectors is usually pretty high, 600 to 800V.  I have a WH protector and the one device I lost during a lightning strike was a laptop plugged in directly overnight.  It was an old laptop, but still, I could have gotten more use out of it.
  • The distance between the panel and device may be long enough that an induced surge via electromagnetic coupling to a lightning strike can’t be protected by the panel alone.

Lastly, the 2020 NEC requires whole house surge protectors so you’ll be moving your panel towards the latest standards. Highly recommended.

No downside here - one thing i did notice

  • I’m in a new house and the breakers always seemed super sensitive 
    • i.e. some of them tripped whenever we had a power outtage
  • Once I installed the surge protector the breakers now seems to work normally
  • BONUS !

Regards - Steve