The panic selling of tube audio had begun.

I think it is a bit crazy. I run tube gear sometimes 12 hours a day and hardly ever have to replace any tubes. My tube amplifiers have been mostly as reliable as stones and maybe more so than my SS gear since I've had failures with that. And none with any of the 70 or so tube amps pres etc I have owned over the last 35 years. I design loudspeakers so run my amps much and have to have a wide selection of types. Still while sad for those who panic easily it's an opportunity to pick up low priced tube kit and after a week or so I will most likely be making some lower offers on ads till I get a bite. So if thinking of selling your tube gear because you feel no more tubes ever please do so I have my eyes on a few amps maybe it will be yours.


As crazy as it sounds, we may very well be looking at WWIII,and people will worry about selling their amps,or hoarding tubes.

So it's nuts to be buying extra tubes for a tube amp...when your hobby is hi-fi.

But instead we should be acting like...what?...the world won't be here tomorrow?

Not sure of the point you are making by conjoining those two issues.

If the nuclear holocaust happens all is lost, it's not like we can prepare for it.  The more sane thing is to keep living life.


I see this phrase "panic buying" thrown around a lot, as if to suggest that there is something irrational - e.g. like cleaning out Costco of toilet paper - about people purchasing tubes.

I've seen tons of conversations on this on various forums and most people aren't going insane buying way more than they need.  They are simply stocking up on some back up tube while they can still be purchased. 

"I need this, they may not be available soon, so it's wise to think ahead and pick them up while I can."

That's not silly or just "panic buying," that just thinking ahead, being reasonable.



well the electromagnetic pulse from the nukes will knock out all the SS gear so tubes mightt be your only salvation during the last days ..

@prof- a reasonable way to look at it. If you think about it, vinyl is a petroleum product, but everything is going to get more expensive. I won't play holier than thou as to the more important issue of human lives, b/c that gets us into a geo-political discussion, which I'm not interested in having on an audio board. 

Audio without politics is of more interest to me, since it is a respite from the ugliness of the world. But, if you feel the need, go for it. I have Lamm ML 2 which depend on Russian tubes, I use DR variant 6H30s in my line stage (also old stock Russian), but I'm not reacting on that stuff at all. I do have views on this, but they are not appropriate in the context of audio. And I therefore stop here. Thank you for your time, 

Bill Hart

And look, to put things in perspective, you can still buy some tubes for less than the cost a few sessions in therapy.