Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



I connected basic 16ga copper strand wire to the neg terminal on each speaker only to the standalone box. Speakers have class D sub amps built in not fully powered speakers. Plan to try NPS1260, wire and connector upgrades to see if it improves.

I also have made some DIY speaker ground boxes and was also amazed at how well they work. 

Be curious to hear how the NPS 1260 works, I have some but have not tried it on those connectors.


Ozzy, have you tried your grounding direct ot the duplex ground and w/o the Entreq?

A ground cable is used for safety. It does not affect the sound unless your system is miswired.

It should be rated at the equivalent or greater current level which would blow the main fuse of your specific device. To be sure, let us say at twice the level. For most purposes and for devices connected to a 15 amp mains, it is not necessary to have a ground cable thicker than about 10 AWG, unless you somehow intend to bypass your fuse (I know there are some fuse lovers on this thread) and run your device as a blast furnace.

Paying any thing over a few dollars for it is just plain .........