Rate my system/advise

Edit for spelling advice, advise.

Hey, I am new to hi-fi. I have been building a system, and I have not set it up yet to listen. I demo’d the speakers before purchasing, but with different equipment. I was curious of opinions on my purchases, and what room there is for improvement. I had bought the amp’s early, which are old, and hoped to make up for it with the preamp.

McIntosh MB100 Media Bridge

Audio Research Reference 6 Preamp

2 NAD 218 THX’s (each in bridged mono)

B&W 803 D3

Nordost Tyr 2 IC (MB100 to ARC REF 6)

Ansuz Diamond Signalz IC (ARC REF 6 to NAD 218 THX)

Nordost Heimdall 2 Speaker cables

Nordost Heimdall 2 Power cables

Nordost Reference jumpers


I am about to purchase:

Butcher block acoustics audio rack and amp stands w/

IsoAcoustics Orea Isolators

Rebel Sky Acoustics Diffusers

Auralex Deep6 Low-frequency absorbers


I would change the Amp/amps to McIntosh or Audio Research for a big jump in sound quality. Love the Nordost. The NAD is holding this system back. Dump the Mac bridge McIntosh makes amplifiers, the rest is eye candy.



Matt M

Unless we are able to sit in your room, the better question would be how do you rate your system?  Someone could have identical gear,in a very different room,and get very different sound.  Is there something you aren’t happy with,or just trying to fine tune? 

You about to hear all opinion. I have BW 802d3 with MA12000 and Nordost in bedroom system it great. Wife love bounce of meter and really get her going. Agree change NAD’s for better amp you got nice system bro. My wife system like butcher block she got nice rack always good combo with isolation like spring make synergy.