Why dealers disparage certain products?

Full disclosure...I've been an executive in the consumer electronics business for over 50 years. From small one man "on campus" HiFi sales, to Radio Shack franchise, to a 12 store pure HiFi chain to a 240 store publicly traded HiFi chain.

There are three reasons a dealer will disparage products:

#1...Some other dealer in the area already has the product and supports it. 

#2...The dealer could not get a line of credit for the product and doesn't have the finances to stock and sell the product. And/Or the manufacturer requires a substantial financial commitment.

#3...He/She is an honest dealer and actually auditioned the product and decided to offer an alternative


(Rule #1 in retail sales....NEVER disparage a competitor or other products.....NEVER!)



A timely post in light of a recent discussion (Mac or not). Well thought out evaluations are worth sharing on this platform; but there's sometimes a thin line between a fair assessment and a perceived attack. 

In any event, the reader should consider all reviews carefully.


The reality is nobody on the planet has heard everything…or the ( do the math, it involves factorial… ) possible combinations…. so the above rules apply to …. everyone here…

just be careful when you think you have reached to top of Everest, it ain’t in some bar in Katmandu….

It is an individual style, choice, and decision they may simply be expressing they're sincere, genuine, honest opinion and perspective even though you would never do such a thing.