About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?


@td_dayton : Gotcha! I most definitely fell for it. Believe or not, this is not the first time I have heard this. Actually I know several people who do just that: super expensive AP equipment and sorry ass audio gear to actually listen 

we are making something fairly simple unnecessarily hard

the idea of this forum, attached to the main a-gon buy/sell/advertise site, is to have a community of primarily enthusiast/audiophile consumers, who, in addition to trading their gear, also be able to exchange ideas and experiences

of course, then, there are also manufacturers, dealers, and others within the high end hifi industry, who come here to access these consumers, to sell them things, and as other posters here have rightfully said, these additional people bring a lot of knowledge to the table, and can/should contribute their insights

so it seems simple, and reasonable, that when an industry person ’expresses their opinion’, they should also let folks know who they are, above and beyond being just an ordinary user/enthusiast sharing their personal experiences -- that they have an economic stake if others here ’act’ on their advice

so someone saying "your gear will sound better if you use a specialty fuse"... should then say "oh btw, i sell them".... or ... "vandersteens will be great in that room to play the classical music you listen to, and oh btw, i sell them" ... or even... "hey i think the nad m33 is a great integrated amp, so many useful features, sounds just great, and oh btw, i have mine listed in the for sale section...."

done right, it’s really not so hard... but i believe there are many folks here who will not, do not do this

but i believe there are many folks here who will not, do not do this

and it’s fine for us in the know - the emperor’s have no clothes: but an awful lot of people out there often aren’t aware that they are actually participating in an advertorial..

Oh, we’re well aware, Elmer. We just don’t want to be a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard.