Cartridge Recommendations

I have a Linn/Ekos with Rhea phono stage, feeding Maggies and Manley Mono blocks.  My Shelter 90X has served me well but is nearing looking to hear from the community regarding cartridges.  I must confess having had Shure, Benz Micro, Audio Technica, and now what was the top of the line Shelter, I am increasingly intrigued with the Soundmith line, but any feedback/opinion would be appreciated............thank for taking the time to post.


That is an interesting update. I think Basis, and especially the Vector tonearm is great equipment. I owned Basis including a Vector 3 tonearm in the past

I currently have a MSL cartridge and it is IMO one of the best.

Glad to hear you are happy with your changes

Jperry I am overhauling from top to bottom as my system is 15+ years old and I'm retired now so one more time.  I am 95% vinyl so that has been taken care of.  I'm jumping to speakers and there is a battle between Vimberg Mino and Focal Sopra 3.  This is limited to brands I can audition locally but so far I've heard Revel, B&W, Perlisten, Vandersteen, Dynaudio, Sonus Faber and Estelon.  After speakers then pre-amp and well you know.  Thanks for reaching out!

@xagwell exciting times for you!  I also share Jperry’s experience with Basis/vector frontend.  He gave me great advice.  BTW I am 95% vinyl also, good analog tends to do that.

I will be curious to follow your upgrade path.