Kef LS50s - great like me but need to come up for air

So over the years I've really enjoyed my primary speaker the Kef LS50s. They work well in my current setup: Schiit Aegir, NAD preamp (class A) in a small room (11'x14').

Maybe I like them so much because they are very much like me: precise, balanced, neutral but not overly. Contrary to many they are more on the warm than bright side. You just need to know how to place them and match them to the right components. Like me :)

However, l've gone through a change. I need to and been told by my wife and doctors that I need to relax some and come up for air. I've been working on this for the past 2 years. Now I've seriously realized my beloved music system has come to the same change point.

Like me and my ears I'd like to find a speaker with the same basic qualities of the LS50s but that can come up for air - call it more relaxed, warm...whatever. Those in the know will know what I mean. I can explain this more if necessary.

My budget is up to 1,500.00...I've online researched Harbeths, Dynaudio Evoke 20, Usher, Spendor but don't really know where to go from here. I've thought about higher sensitivity speakers but most quality speakers are physically too large (maybe).

Any input is appreciated.


My 2 cents: Dynaudio strikes a good balance between detail and warmth so if you were to take the great things about KEF (detail) plus Harbeth (warmth) and combine them together you'd get Dynaudio sound. Seems like the most logical choice IMO but logic isn't enough in this hobby, best to audition both speakers at home if you can.

Another vote for harbeths. Maybe there is a better answer, but I don’t think there is any way you cannot listen to p3esr in trying to find bliss in this configuration. I have with aegir in nearfield, and they make me happy. I do have two small subs to fill out bottom a bit, but most of the time I hardly notice them. 

Look for a pair of EPOS Epic 2- efficient 4 ohm speakers that are v v v hard to beat

ALSO- a pair of Elac 2.0B6.2 designed by Andrew Jones and the very Best Buy on the planet- but they need at least 80 watts/


with either of the above you can spend v little and get a v easy to listen to speakers.

I have both !

My LS50 Metas were very sensitive to placement and were useless in the middle of the room compared to vintage Concords and Celestes (bad placement I know I know). They’re banished to the garage where ironically they sound fab and live next to ESL57s so I can switch between the two depending on mood/ music.


Was talking to a retired BBC engineer and interestingly he asked if I prefered the old KEFS to the Quads and I have to agree the old girls (made late 60’s?) are still rocking and are so easy to listen to but obviously not a small speaker (2ftx 1.5ft)

+1 for the Dynaudio suggestion.

i recently purchased the Evoke 30’s and happy with the warmth and relaxed nature. They are also very detailed paired with a Parasound A21+