AGD Audio Mk2 review


This is my review of my AGD Audion Mk2 monoblock power amps. These are Class D amps with Gallium Nitride power MOSFETs.

As those who follow me know, I am a Single Ended Triode tube amp guy since I like high efficiency single driver speakers. I've tried to like solid state power amps and have bought and tried the First Watt F2J and SIT-2 power amps but ultimately selling them as I find that they fall short of my 300B SET amps.

I first tried the AGD Audions when they came out in the Mk1 version. I was very happy. It had great dynamics, better bass extension, smooth, organic and natural sound comparable with my best 300B (and I use late 1930s to 1950s WE 300Bs). Finally I found a solid state amp that I can live with.

Then this year, the new KT88mk2 GanT Tube modules became available from AGD. These boosted the sampling frequency from 400khz to 800khz. Power remains the same at 170w/4ohm or 85w/8ohm. The improvement was quite a bit better in my system. Better separation and soundstage. More air and organic nature to the sound. So much so that these AGD Audions Mk2 are now the primary amps in my systems. I still play with my 300B amps but I  am spending more time with the Audions in my system.

Highly recommended and just wanted to share with others my excitement about these Class D GAN amps. No connection whatsoever with AGD other than a happy customer. They are, in my opinion, game changers.


When are you going to have production of your GaN mono blocks and when will they be added to your website and when will they get a formal review? How many proto types are out there? The only comment on the sound seems to be from June of this year on your feedback page. Is there some other feedback somewhere we can read? Hoping your amp is a super success......but where is it? Are you having supply issues like so many?


We completed our first limited production run and are now working on the second. No idea about the review- we’re looking into that now. All the amps in the field are from the first production run. It is tricky getting parts. We had to wait 3 months just to get GaNFETs... when in normal circumstances we’d have had them the next day. Once we can make the amps on a larger scale we’ll be putting up a page on it.


Good news. Maybe you can encourage some of the first production customers to comment online. So far, we know nothing of how it compares to things. I would love to recommend the amp but we need some feedback from owners. I know, I am just impatient.........but GaNs and class D seem such a nice fit and we NEED less expensive, smaller, lighter, more effecient amps that sound great......Hopefully soon, you can crank them out faster.

Happy holidays, everyone.......feel the love.

In response to some of the posts...I would say that Class D amps have arrived for sure but in GaN form.

As for 300B amps, I am very familiar or have owned these: AudioNote Quest and Conquest 300B amps all the way to the silver versions, Border Patrol 300Bs, Sun Audio 300B, Berning 300B Siegfried and newer offsprings (1 own 3 Berning 3ooB SET ZOTL amps), different versions of 91a/300B SET amps including one build by Thorsten Loesch with nano crystalline OPTs, Rest assured that I'm not comparing the AGD to run of the mill Chinese 300B or typical 6SN7/300B amps. I also own a Fi 421a (Don Berger) with Silver Cobalt OPTs. Other 2a3, 71a SET amp and other types of SET amps.

Wow, That‘s qiete a bit of 300b armoury there and lends substantial weight to your view on the Audions. If I might ask: what about timbre and naturalness? It seems obvious that in terms of resolution, attack and decay the Class D amps have a lot to offer. Is there any graininess or harshness typically associated with silicone as typically associated by tube lovers?

@ddriveman ,

Good to know about the AGD amplifiers. And it is even better to read when the owner has a fantastic experience. I wish we had more posters like you who have been here for quite some time and post their experience when they genuinely feel about a product. You have great systems posted, which gives you more creditworthiness (in my eyes). Replacing the SET amp with this GaN amp - wow...that's says a lot about these amp's performance, knowing how faithful SET owners are. One more thing - please do post new system pics. Congratulations and enjoy your music!