Best speakers to "abuse" for around $2k ?

Thinking about getting additional speakers just for hard rock/heavy metal and sometimes bass heavy music (not rap tho). Amp would be Classe 300w with classe preamp.

Something I can really crank up Kansas ' carry on wayward son and get loud without blowing tweeters. I cranked up that song with audio physic sparks and blew the tweeters. Did same thing with Magnepan 1.6s and 3.6s (fuse blew on those thankfully).
I probably shouldnt have gotten rid of the NHT 3.3s I had but a move to a smaller place necessitated it.

Cerwin Vega maybe work for this spec? thanks
Used Dynaudio 70s (like I have), 80s, 72s or 82s. Great speakers for loud music. They won't tire you out, the midrange is beautiful and the bass is deep. I am not selling any speakers and I have no relationship with the seller but I just noticed that there is a pair of 72s and the asking price is $895.
Correct. Except the new model is the Xls-215.

And now, right at your price range, CV offers the CMX-212-NA with built-in dual 12" powered subwoofers. They're even available at Wal-Mart!
I have an idea...stop listening to Kansas and drivel like "Carry on Wayward Son" and you won't have to expend on speakers.
Look for a pair of used OHM Walsh. They are fairly bullet proof and generally take whatever you throw at them well. Abuse away!
I hear ya Lindisfarne but I'm into that stuff as well as a lot of other types of music (except rap / hip hop).
Very eclectic and appreciate real music but its just somethign about that song that gets me going - when its cranked