Best Transport with Museatex Bitstream DAC

I am looking for advice on what transport works best with the Museatex Bitstream DAC. Please, I am not looking for transport advice but simply advice from users of this DAC who have had some experience with various transports. Also, if you have a digital cable preference with a particular combination, please post that information also.

Happy Listening.
Agree with Vhiner, I sold him my Bitstream in which I installed a Gold Furutech IEC inlet using a Shunyata King Cobra PC and it sounded off the charts.
After some extensive listening, I have to post here that I think the PS Audio Perfect Wave transport is the best transport I've ever heard with a Bitstream or Bidat. I could detect no jitter and it's more liquid and analog-sounding than anything I've encountered. I've not read one negative post or review about this transport's performance. So, I bought one.

Some of the used prices I've seen for them are truly a steal. CD's ain't dead yet and probably won't ever be, IMHO.