Is Room treatment different for Horn Speakers?

I've just recently purchased a set of Klipsch Cornwall lV's, however my room treatment was originally set up (by me) for KEF LS-50's. Are there any rules of thumb for Horn Speaker/forward ported loudspeakers?


did you have the forte’s in this room also ?  


if so, how did they sound in there ?

Yes... didn't have them long enough to tweak extensively, but they functioned better 12"- 15" into the room. So far the Cornwalls sound pretty good close to the wall.


My room treatment is predominately GIK Bass absorption. Been wondering if some dispersion would be in order for the back wall.


i would play around with placement / listening for the next few days till you think you have found the sweet spot for them.       

then you could decide if more treatments are needed in the room by simply using blankets or anything else that you can add to the room.