Speakers for a Large Room (20’x37’)

Open concept listening space with speakers on one short wall and kitchen at the other end.  Furniture about fifteen feet from speakers.  I assume I'll need large speakers and am considering Klipsch Cornwalls as well as Tannoy Ardens, but open to suggestions.  I also assume standmounts are too small for the space.  I should mention I mostly listen at low to moderate sound levels, occasionally cranking it if the wife is out.   Thanks for any input.


I auditioned the Cornwall IV's and loved them. But I didn't think the imaging was quite as good as what I wanted, so I went with the Ardens, without auditioning them, on a lark.

I think they would be perfect for your size room. Both are relatively unsightly compared to other options (according to some. I loved both)... But the sound...

If you get a chance to audition them broken in, that would be wise. The Tannoys do take about 500 hours to losen up. And it's not a pretty journey at times.

I can say the Cornwalls are likely better for low-level listening. They are incredible speakers and just effortless.

But if you can open them up... The Tannoys have left me with no regrets what-so-ever. They make almost everything sound realistic. They are a blast. They are alive. They are what I remember liking the best about live music. But they can put it out. While I was breaking them in, I put on a Boccherini cello concerto while I mowed the lawn. My neighbor stopped by and said: "Those speakers sound great! Where are they?" and I had to tell him with a straight face: "In the house."

Both have to be a pulled a good ways into the room to get a good stereo image. Same as most speakers. Soundstage is just more complete with the Tannoys, IMHO. But it all depends on what you are looking for. I honestly don't think you can go too far wrong with either.





Thanks for the Tannoy/Cornwall comparison @sbrogdon , I appreciate it, as this is germane to the direction I've been considering.  Not to say I won't research all the other speakers mentioned.  

at this level, you need to get out and hear different designs.... what is the budget and ancillary equipment ? best to you. I had a 20 x 40 x 10 room, presents challenges and rewards....fun

enjoy the journey and the music

+3 on the JBL Everest DD67000.  Add in a pair of JBL SUB18's.

Or, JBL M2's with SUB18's.  The waveguides are wonderful in larger rooms.