Why do my bass drivers shake violently listening to vinyl

Hello Gon'ers,

Help needed. I took the grills off my new Vandersteen Treo CT's recently and noticed that when listening to vinyl, the bass drivers shake violently, meaning the amount and frequency in which they travel in and out. Then I played the same pieces of music from Tidal and they were relatively calm.

Is this some kind of feedback loop causing this? Has this happened to anyone else?

@audionoobie re:
@williewonka how can I tell if the bearings have any play in them? Not sure what you’re referring to.
Simply hold the arm between thumb and finger and gently push/pull the arm - if there is play you will feel a slight movement or feel a clicking

This is not common, but can occur - if this is the case the beerings need adjusting (if possible)


You already have anti vibration feet designed by Technics for their new G series. The cabinet is a 4 layered construction. You DON’T NEED any springs or butcher blocks or any platforms under your turntable (these crap is for belt drives).

Technics turntable can be used by PRO near a HUGE sound system with tremendous bass response, probably 1000 times higher SPL than from your speakers.

G and GAE are top model in SL1200 series and stock feet are very well engineered, but if you want to try something else you have to check Isonoe (they are made for Technics).

Read this topic.

Unless you are not placing your turntable right on a SUB I think the problem is not the feet.
Chak, If the 1200GR is without construction or operational flaws, I quite agree with you.  If it has a construction defect, like an off-balance platter or bad bearings or something rubbing on something, then it is better to identify that problem than to put a rumble filter bandaid over it, I think. For that matter, I am guilty of suggesting other types of bandaid, so my own advice is also flawed in that way.  One would like to examine the TT in isolation.  The only thing I suggested that might help to eliminate problems in the Technics is to temporarily replace it with another known good TT, and determine whether the woofers still act up.  If that test is passed, then maybe the rumble filter is the way to go or any of various forms of enhanced TT isolation first.
Vinyl has much less bass extension the digital, limitation of the medium.
Vinyl playback equipment often has more. Not from the program. There used to be subsonic filters to cheat your way out of it but now... 
Saddle up.