B&W Matrix 801 Series II

There is a pair for sale in my area for $2000. Anyone have an opinion on these speakers? Are they good sounding speakers or just okay? I believe they are pretty old. My interest in them is because they are local so no shipping and I understand B&W makes some very good speakers. Thanks for the help.
Wemfan - $5000 will do it for the amp/s imo.
Here are some thoughts for you since I recently went through this exercise with amp/s - TWO TIMES - in the last 12 months.

First - It is important to run the 801's with the woofer covers removed.
This will help let you know how much they like what is in front of them.
If there is visible woofer pumping going on - cone excursion - there is a problem.
Unlike lesser speaker designs that readily pump by design - and I include the other matrix consumer models 802, 803, 805.... in this statement having owned them;
You should NEVER see cone excursions with the 801's large woofer (even with vinyl) when set up with compatible amp/s and the BAF. This means they are performing at their best - energy is not being wasted on the woofer movement. Much dust collected on the woofers due to this.

When buying amps I usually do research with the amp manufacturers and the specific speaker/s they used to come up with their designs. The targets or reference points. If this information is not available (friends, websites, forums) they "manufacturer" should be contacted.
If the "manufacturer" won't divulge what their reference speakers are - I strike them off my list.
Ensure their speaker references have similar amplifier requirements to your speakers.
Many times we can put two and two together. For example if the manufacturer of the amps and speakers are in the same city - chances are they have worked together. This is a VERY niche and SMALL hobby.

An example of one speaker/amp relationship is my Music Reference RM10 which was designed by Roger Modjeski specifically for his personal Quad 57's.
Sometimes when you bring speaker/amp partners together - the synergy becomes very evident.
There is a relaxed delivery that starts at low volume and continues at high spls.
It is hard to describe but when you hear and feel it - you know it.

I can tell you when I hooked up the Krell FPB600 to the 800's there was synergy.
When I swapped in the
Krell BAF there was even more.
Things kind of fell in place.
Elee's comments earlier about D'Agostino (formerly of Krell) owning the B&W's earlier in his career became evident to me.

Krell FPB600 - 600 wpc 8 ohms, 1200 wpc 4 ohms, 2400 wpc 2 ohms.

Sample Krell

Bass is the foundation of the music for me. Get it right and the rest falls into place.

The 801's are 87db sensitivity not dropping below 5 ohms (50- 600 wpc)
A fairly easy load and the impedance chart posted earlier is not off the charts - like other speakers.
The 800's are 93 db - but are 4 ohms and actually dip below . They are rated for 150-800 wpc.

I can tell you there is so much control and headroom with the 800's. The 801's being an easier load would be even more phenomenal imo with a large Krell in that large studio room of yours.

With that; the best amp candidates imo are the local ones that can be auditioned in your room.
Nothing beats this...
So I would strongly consider an audition of the local Krell 350's you mentioned.
Ask to borrow them for a couple of days.
I would even offer the seller a nominal fee for the privileges this brings you without having to commit to them.
This is a "serious" buyers market. There are approximately 650 amps for sale just on Audiogon right now.
You want to keep the advantage of being the buyer as long as you can.
Once you commit and buy - moving this gear requires ALOT of patience and good pricing if it doesn't work out.

Again I will say I have a lot of respect for those in those in this audio BIZ.

So what other amps are available locally? Can you tell us what retail high end stores are within driving distances to you?

This way we could do a search of their inventory online for you - another option.
There really isn't much choice locally. There is one audio repair shop and that is really it. I would have to go to Dallas or Kansas City to hear any higher end audio equipment and I doubt under those circumstances I could really tell much about what i would be hearing. For me, I need to A/B equipment before I can tell much about it. Even if something sounded good there I would have no idea how it would stack up against my equipment at home. My plans are to take the suggestions here, check out the amps best I can, then make a decision.
Dave 72,

I found a Pass x350 for sale about a hundred miles from me. However, it is not a .8 as you suggested. What do you think?

Wemfan, hopefully you could sense I am a big fan of products from Nelson Pass in my 1st post on 3-29-14. As far as the X350, this is one of the original "X series" introduced, then came the "X.5 series", with the "X.8 series debuting in the last few months. It will be very doubtful to find a "X.8 series" used, and new in the desired power will exceed your stated budget. The "X series" are definitely quality amplifiers, however most agree the "X.5 series" have a lot more musical magic in the midrange. Here is a good review for the Pass Labs X250.5, with the 2nd paragraph noting some differences to the original "X series" design, and definitely read to the end as he rates it above similiar priced amps, and somewhat equal to one much more expensive. IMHO, I would try to find a "X.5 series".

As far as my previous recommendation of the Forte amp, I was thinking of this to get something quickly that would sound good with enough power. Then have more time to look for something like a Pass Labs. The Forte amps are usually an easy sell, however the one I linked to does seem to be priced somewhat high, but I'm sure he's factoring in the recent service by Jon Soderberg, the absolute best for Threshold/Forte.
If pursuing Pass Labs I highly recommend talking to Kent 5308785350 prior to any actual purchase.
He is very friendly, knowledgeable and forthcoming with the information.
I was curious so I gave him a call.
Told him we were considering using an x.350 on 801 matrix in a room 29x29x11.

Some of the speakers currently being tested with at Pass Labs are Sony's SSAR1, Array 1400 and TAD - did not catch the model # of the last one.
When I mentioned the matrix 801's some comments were

"you mean the boxy ones with smaller boxes/pieces on top of one another"

"those were very highly regarded and not difficult to drive at all"

He quickly put the impedance info and room size into his online model.

the amp info I got from him.

x350 was designed around an 8 ohm speaker.
the more current product 350.5 is based on a lower 6 ohm speaker.
the x350 does double down but it does not like it (Kent's words)
Distortion increases. Similarly it would produce half the power at 16 ohms.
He suggested that the x250.5 which is also based on a 6 ohm speaker would be a better choice than the x350.

The 801 matrix as we saw in the impedance graph - dips to 5 ohms in the bass and HF areas.

The rough estimate from Kent is you should be able to hit 105 db peak levels in your room with the x350.
