Amplifiers in use with big Harbeths (Mon 40 series) that work very well

i thought i would poll harbeth mon 40 owners on what amps they are using with them, and which amps you may have had excellent results with in the past, if you do not happen to have it today...

if you will, please also include, which specific gen of monitor 40 you have (.1, .2, anniv, .3, xd, what have you...), and your listening room and listening triangle dimensions, thanks.

owners only, current or past, please...
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I had a pair in n trade for a stretch.  I was very happy with them and my AVM integrated.  Herb Reichert used an AVM with a pair of 30.2s in his review of the 6.2 ME and was happy with it. 

The guy who traded them to me has a pair of LTA Ref 40s bridged mono.  I have a few customers using Hegel over a long period with them.  A 390 or a 590 would be brilliant.  

Over on the Harbeth Users Group (I know, I know), there is a thread called "The 'A-list' of amplifiers actually in use At home".  While this obviously covers all the Harbeth models, and while subjective comments are indeed discouraged, what I still find interesting is the really wide and diverse range of amplifiers being used.  You can find a number of 40.x there.

I tried an Ayre AX-7 on my 40.2's (regular model) and it sounded more than respectable.  The Belles Aria monoblocks were better.  A little better still, are the Audio by Van Alstine DVA M225 monoblocks.  Medium room, approx. 8.5' triangle.
I have owned 40.2  and anniversary 30.2. I believe the 40.2 was the best full range monitor I have ever owned. Alan Shaw always liked to claim Harbeth to be amplifier agnostic, and I believe to a degree he is correct. They seem to keep the Harbeth signature with a wide variety of amps and despite lowish sensitivity even the 30.2 can sound suprisingly good with lower power.
I had too may amps on the 40.2 to remember, both tube and SS. my favorite though was an Audia Flight SS. The 40.2 seemed to respond well to quality power. I have a pair of Vinnie Rossie VR120's for sale currently. I did not own the 40.2 when I started experimenting with Vinnie's gear but I know he had a show stopper set-up 4-5 years ago with 40.2's paired to a single VR120. I always wanted to hear my 120's paired with 40.2s but I listen in a space much too small for them now, got kicked out of the big rooms by wife and kids LOL. The 40.2 or its successor will be a speaker I return to someday, probably in retirement when I get my room back :)