Monitor suggestions?

An unexpected, modest budget improvement means I can (possible) address what I perceive as both poorly controlled bass and an overall lack of clarity.  Yes, I realize I raised this before but I think I have a better handle of the problems at this point. 

I suspect the first issue is due to insufficient damping factor on the part of the the Wells Majestic integrated coupled with an inherently difficult-to-control lower range in the Silverline SR17.5 monitors.  

The second issue is most likely due to the dark and somewhat cloudy tonality of the Aqua La Voce 2 DAC. 

I'm looking into upgrading the Wells but here and now, I'd like suggestions on changing speakers. 

Budget: $3500 (used is fine)

Cabinet: Sealed box or downward firing port. 

Lower extension (ideally) down to 35HZ

Neutral to somewhat cool (but not approaching analytical) tonality 

Placement constraints: Backs of speakers cannot be more than three feet from back wall
and will sit atop 32" stands,(which means no 3-way or otherwise extra-tall cabs).


60% acoustic (Jazz, Folkish, Celtic, Singer-songwriter, New Grass)
40% electric (Jam Band, Americana, Blues, Country).

So far, Elac Vela looks like a possibility.  What else ? 

I plan to assemble an entirely new system within 5 years. I'm just looking to make listening less frustrating for the present. 

Sure thing. You can contact GIK by email or phone or their help form.
They’re really helpful. They have many products that are meant to fit in living rooms unobtrusively, like print panels. One doesn’t have to turn the room into a full on studio, but first get a handle on what the issues might be and the range of solutions for them.


Apparently Hawthorne Stereo in Seattle doesn't bother to keep their website updated. When I called them, they told me ATC's are "severely back-ordered".

Also, opinions re: whether Wells can drive ATC's are extremely inconsistent.

For these reasons, I'm inclined to go with Proac Response 2d instead. 

A good choice. They're on similar levels. Didn't know you were in Seattle. I got my amp from Hawthorne, a long time ago.

As a last choice, remember ATC also has their Pro line. For the passives, these are exactly the same drivers and cabinet volume, but sometimes cheaper than the home models and they don't look quite as good, but they sound the same. The Pro version of the 11 is called the 12, and the Pro version of the 19 is called the 20. There will be more availability through online pro audio stores like Vintage King (whom I got my 20s off years ago).