Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Politicized…But I must respect the wishes of others!

I’ve had my son tested twice because of becoming sick in recent months, and this is after his complete vaccination. Paid out of pocket because I WANT rapid results. Both negatives.

Have another story, one of my daughters regarding her new employment.

I’m not vaccinated like I’ve said but I don’t take it lightly… I’ve already had it, immunity
Hey, genius, just read the last line in the abstract if you can. From one of the most respected science journals in the world. A meta-analysis of all the published data. Hydroxychloroquine treatment of Covid patients shows an INCREASE in patient mortality with no benefits.  Like I said yesterday - always certain, seldom right
If any of you make it to the next Australian HiFi show in Melbourne.. I’ll buy you all a round! Also just for completeness Pfizer and Moderna are indeed mRNA vaccines but the Astra Zeneca one is a traditional vaccine like flu vaccine , polio, measles etc ..  Everyone stay safe , be of good cheer and keep on listening ! 
At least he called folks genius. :-)

Master M, how goes the battle?

I figure folks would be fine and anyone that is informed can make up their own mind. Hand to eyes, nose, mouth or ear contact is a no no anyway.

I think of that because of haz-mat training in my early 20s. 40 haz mat, BATT (refinery training) and 8 hour refresher courses from then on out.

You learn to keep your hands away from your face. LOL A dust mask is a dust mask. The little mask are to keep YOU from spitting on others or others from spitting in your nose/mouth region. 6 feet suggest you can't spit any further.. :-) I say aim for the EYE. I wear glasses.. Maybe a good ear shot will get someone infected.

Something else about rescue breathing for someone else, WHY aren't they breathing? In most of the places I use to work if someone went down it was hardly EVER  because of poor conditioning. You had to stay in shape to work in a respirator or in a refinery. H2S, CO2, etc. Windsock direction, all kinds of stuff. Same way of thinking.. BE Careful..

Look at YOUR finger nails.. they tell you when to go sideways with the wind sock.. Theirs will be blue, your should be pink.. RUN Forest Run!!
OK Jenny... Don't get bit in the Buttocks!!

I was around everything BUT radioactive waste. For all I know I was around it too..

Who has a Geiger counter? 68.00 dollars on Amazon.. BTW
