Mcintosh c2600 issue

I purchased a Mcintosh c2600 pre amp to match my MC452 and MCT450 not even 2 years in, the small light  (led) for the (tone) space is flickering .Not a huge deal but damn $ 6k plus and already a problem . I do love the look of Mcintosh however the most simple part of equipment is the face plate lights . Its sad to see this and to have to pay upwards of $350  plus have it sit somewhere for a month is less than inspiring and all for a 2 dollar LED . I know it seems petty but do I have to spend 150k to expect quality ? Just a rant cause I do love my main stereo system dearly and expected quality . Meanwhile I have a crappy Sony receiver still going strong after 30 years . I wish I was skilled at soldering but Im a novice . Forgive my ranting but with everything going on in America lately it seems like all is going to hell ! I hope this LED issue is the least of my problems. Just curious if this is a common issue....
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McIntish service is junk.I bought a, mc402 brand new over the phone from an authorized  dealer and had it shipped to me(shipping was like 150.00)..McIntosh refused my warranty because i didnt buy and pay for it at the counter of the store.guess its in the fine print or was at that time..we went round and round on the phone..sold that amp a year later and was soooo glad to dump that.
Refused warranty because it was purchased from over phone authorized dealer??

  Slowly losing,respect for Mac past year or so, their shenanigans, using cheaper parts, QC has become poor.
they were once the top echelon of audio. Seems even the mighty Mac has been slowly deteriorating. 
  Would still take amps if price was right,....oh wait nevrmind, they will not honor warranty unless the full markup of 50% is dealer implemented.  There is so much better audio out there. Mac  looks great yes, but as I was told here a while ago when I was just a watcher/ your ears not your wallet or recommendations by daily joes. 
I bought my equipment as demo items last year - knock on wood no problems, great performance and when I attempted to register while it was initially declined a brief phone call and the rep did some research and registered the warranty.

Obviously there's lots of quality audio equipment out there.  My experience has been good and folks who visit my house are not commenting how Mac and Sonus Faber lack detail and punch when I play Guerilla Radio.