Pulled from old theater

Hello all, last week I lugged home items from a long retired theater. Former adult theater, that was once a first run theater.. but I digress. Essentially a big horn on top and a 15" driver mounted in a folded cabinet. Altec crossover included. Both the horn and low end driver are noted as coming from the International Projector Corp. I learned the drivers themselves were manufactured by Jensen. Both have good conductivity and are operational. Plan is to make this into a mono garage system. Anyone have any experience in this? things to look out for etc.. I am looking to decipher resistance and possible matches for one of my spare amps, grab a source and soon be agitating my neighbors. 
Wish I could add a pic.. it's pretty cool looking. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdoyle3433
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@doyle3433 --

Hello all, last week I lugged home items from a long retired theater. Former adult theater, that was once a first run theater.. but I digress. Essentially a big horn on top and a 15" driver mounted in a folded cabinet. Altec crossover included. Both the horn and low end driver are noted as coming from the International Projector Corp. I learned the drivers themselves were manufactured by Jensen. Both have good conductivity and are operational. Plan is to make this into a mono garage system. Anyone have any experience in this? things to look out for etc.. I am looking to decipher resistance and possible matches for one of my spare amps, grab a source and soon be agitating my neighbors. Wish I could add a pic.. it's pretty cool looking.

This is the good stuff - hang on to it! - but why relegate it to the garage? Unless there's a spousal issue or you yourself is opposed to it, I'd get them into the living room or other dedicated space and see what they can do. You're likely in for a surprise..