401 birch or slate?

What sounds better as a plinth for a Garrard 401? Birch ply or 30mm slate?

fun thread…i have my long range eye on 9” Kuzma as it will fit my SOTA

i need to stumble on a 401 garage sale find……probably like hoping for a barn 356….. ha.

the 301 is more rube goldberg.
So much so a family member threw one away thinking it was some old junk.
@tomic601 A man of your means and sonic acumen should truly consider a refurbished one. 
@dover Love hearing about your endeavors. The brass kit looks serious along with the price. Shaun D. at Peak HiFi told me the brass lends a warmer and more organic sound. I'm happy with the aluminium but would like to try the stainless steel. 
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