Re-tubing a McIntosh power amp

I have a McIntosh 275 VI tube amp that I am considering changing out the tubes. Not interested in rolling, just upgrading from the stock tubes that it shipped with. Don’t want to go exotic ($$$)  just trying to replace them with some upgraded, reliable tubes. Have any if you done this recently? Looking for suggestions on brands and reliable, fairly priced  tube sources. Thanks!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Good Post ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

” I'm listening to a MC225 and a C20 right now.. Looking at them, you would swear they were brand new out of the box Macs.. 60 + years old now.. ALL factory VALVES, I've never changed a single one in that pair..“

Now *Thats* what I call value for money!
Heavy - your post seemed heavy on buying in bulk and sifting thru the crapshoot of grading tubes. You should get to know Andy and his ears and test gear. I am sure he would enjoy a conversation with you.

Mac in the golden age designed for tube longevity, my 1960 MC240 ran hard for most of it’s life has all original small signal tubes, ditto the 1965 MX110z save one ! tube replacement about 6 years ago.

power output tubes a different story but still relatively long lived in a Mac…. Remember the performance clinics run by factory techs at the dealers ????
re-reading your initial post, it seems like you, after reading, are concerned about ’probable failure’, and don’t want to ’wait and see’.

I get that, I always want a spare set handy, and I understand staying with KT88’s, seems wise.

So, what ’non-exotic’ RELIABLE KT88’s? It’s a simple question really.

I went JJ KT88 Blue Glass. Blue glass is just a different colored glass, just for looks, (mine are very visible), identical to their regular KT88. I’ve never had issues with JJ. My Electro harmonix 6550eh’s now my spares, maybe I’ll need them, after say 5,000 hrs playing time, for me 15 hrs/week that’s 6-1/2 years. Professional use in a guitar amp is a whole different thing.

But, like anyone, anywhere, you can find ..., i.e. from ghosthouse, a member here posted in 2007 had nothing but trouble with JJ

I did buy some Gold Lion Cryo Tubes once. Loose with birthday money, the difference is only .... WTH. I wouldn’t do that again. They are in an amp or the mono amps downstairs, I forget.

Also Roger Modjeski ( rip ) built some very advanced testing and grading gear for modern tubes - I have a set of his RAM KT.88 in my RM-9 and his super precise low noise driver ..

RAM tubes