Looking for an amp that punches way about its weight and I can grow with

So recently I purchase a McIntosh MC300 from a reputable dealer and got it and plugged it in and turned it and a nice arc/small flame came out the top and then the amp no longer worked.  So I am sending it back, and sending back a McIntosh is no funny it is too heavy and there are too may boxes!!!  Anyway this have given me time to think and do a lot more reading and I find this forum has some very open views on their thoughts which I love.  So that being said I am looking for an amp that punches way above its weight.  They will be driving Martin Logan Electromotion ESL's.  I know that electrostatic speakers require amps over watts (I think that is what I have be reading but I am still learning)

So a couple of the important details; my budget is around $3000 with a little wiggle room.  The rest of my system is as follows: SOTA Sapphire VI turntable, McIntosh MP100 Phono pre, Schiit Feya+ tube rolled pre.  90% of the music I listen to is Rock the other 10% is Jazz.  I am looking for something that will last me awhile and be great for a Martin Logan upgrade at some point.  I have been looking at some stuff by Rogue and Odyssey but dont know the brands well.  I also live out on the middle of nowhere and all I really have available to listen to is McIntosh.  So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.   
I doubt this can be found but if you can indeed find a second hand Pass Labs integrated for around your budget, nothing else will even come close.

Parasound Hint, Hegel H190… both excellent and in your price range. There is a Pass Labs Int 30a listed on USAM right now (no affiliation) that would be a great start, just a bit over budget on their asking… the Pass is a bare bones Integrated, but an excellent start. The previous two mentioned are excellent as well and have modern features that will save space and $$ in the long run…
Actually, I have the Pass INT-150, and it was pre-owned right at $3k.  Just not something you see for sale every day.  Does work perfect with my ML Montis.
Pass is an excellent suggestion. You could speak with Nelson about the match and be assured of an honest and completely informed answer. For used and demo talk with Mark at Reno HiFi, I think he is in the middle of a move right now but he is a genuinely solid citizen of the earth and I do not affix that term lightly.