Looking for an amp that punches way about its weight and I can grow with

So recently I purchase a McIntosh MC300 from a reputable dealer and got it and plugged it in and turned it and a nice arc/small flame came out the top and then the amp no longer worked.  So I am sending it back, and sending back a McIntosh is no funny it is too heavy and there are too may boxes!!!  Anyway this have given me time to think and do a lot more reading and I find this forum has some very open views on their thoughts which I love.  So that being said I am looking for an amp that punches way above its weight.  They will be driving Martin Logan Electromotion ESL's.  I know that electrostatic speakers require amps over watts (I think that is what I have be reading but I am still learning)

So a couple of the important details; my budget is around $3000 with a little wiggle room.  The rest of my system is as follows: SOTA Sapphire VI turntable, McIntosh MP100 Phono pre, Schiit Feya+ tube rolled pre.  90% of the music I listen to is Rock the other 10% is Jazz.  I am looking for something that will last me awhile and be great for a Martin Logan upgrade at some point.  I have been looking at some stuff by Rogue and Odyssey but dont know the brands well.  I also live out on the middle of nowhere and all I really have available to listen to is McIntosh.  So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.   
I have been driving my Martin Logan QuestZ's since they were new with an Audio Research LS22 and a pair of Audio Research Classic 150's which I have also had since new. The Classic 150's can drive any impedance down to 1 ohm.I have owned Martin Logan speakers since 1985 or so and to date I haven't found another amp of any kind that can reproduce deep bass and such a wonderful sound stage as the Audio Research. The proper tubes in both unit are essential. 
The older Audio Research gear is now quite a bargain and if properly maintained will last for a very long time.
I personally feel that tube amplifiers are generally the wrong call for ML electrostatics (there may be some exceptions).  I had Mac monos and they sounded terrible.  The panels are mostly capacitive and may fall at or below 1 ohm impedance at 20 kHz.  I personally use Pass amplification to great success, but as stated you may find it difficult to find in your price range.  I also like Parasound and have some experience with them.  Odyssey looks like a good option.  The deal from eagleeye7 seems to fit your needs nicely.  Please let us know if it works out for you.
I doubt this can be found but if you can indeed find a second hand Pass Labs integrated for around your budget, nothing else will even come close.

Parasound Hint, Hegel H190… both excellent and in your price range. There is a Pass Labs Int 30a listed on USAM right now (no affiliation) that would be a great start, just a bit over budget on their asking… the Pass is a bare bones Integrated, but an excellent start. The previous two mentioned are excellent as well and have modern features that will save space and $$ in the long run…
Actually, I have the Pass INT-150, and it was pre-owned right at $3k.  Just not something you see for sale every day.  Does work perfect with my ML Montis.