Flipping record causing series of loud pops

I just got my first tube phono preamp.  Now when I take a record off the turntable I hear a series of loud pops.  If I use my solid state phono no pops.
I hope someone has a solution
jefgerard, would you please let us know what you discover?

I use a mute switch now because it is a big honking toggle switch right where my right hand is. The reason is I hate taking the volume up and down and I have a very powerful subwoofer system and the thump when the needle hits the record is enough to knock the squirrels out of the trees. 
This is a hateful problem. Blame the Victim. Trying Not To.

Where is this static coming from, being picked up from, that didn't exist before?

Can you go back to SS Phono no problem now?

Temporarily move tube phono far away from TT/LP with longer cables, problem gone?

It's the same LP's, same procedures, only problematic since the tube phono was added. The whole story: what else changed/moved?

Something/somewhere, like the wall wart, ... something changed, wearing different shoes? A new felt hat! Different cables? New platter mat? Platter mat removed? 

Something moved near where you keep your LP's that is loading them with static when you move them in/out?

My method is to change to an unused input when I clean the stylus, luckily I never have to worry when flipping sides or on/off.

Thank you all for your remedies.  Based on so many suggestions of static and grounding the table properly I reexamined all of my connects.  I t turned out that the ground connection on the turntable had gotten very loose.  When I discovered that I tightened everything up and my problem was remedied.   What I still don't understand is why my solid state phono stage  did not cause a pop but the tube phono did.  Well alls well and thanks to everyone who took time to help me out.