First subwoofer for a newbie.

Subs have me perplexed.... I can't seem to find what people think are clearly the few models to own. With blu-ray players, majority opinion clearly points to obbo products but yet I have not found as clear cut of a following with subs. Any thoughts? Budget is $500-$1200. I am open to used or refurbished. I am matching this up with PSB Synchrony Two B speakers. I would like a really tight bass and don't care as much about trying to rattle the house to the ground. I want my music to sound amazing, but also have a good home theater experience.

Thanks from a total newbie!
Ignore naysayers...Used RELs can be a score! Usually if a sub works at all (demand a DOA return option) it works. Period. They are designed to not self destruct from being overly cranked. My REL Q150e was under $200 (over a grand new) because it had an easily replaced torn grill cloth...and it KICKS ASS and works perfectly. I suggest you tighten all the screws from time to time.
Since your looking for a value based subwoofer($500-$1200)give Epik a serious look. Epik subs have been successfully mated with Magnepans. Says alot about a value based subwoofer!!!
I like buying products from companies that only do one thing... They tend to get it right.. REL
Generally speaking, I agree, I think. I probably wouldn't want cd transport from Lamm, speakers from Rowland or turntable from Purist. However, some designers, I am sure, are fully capable of creating a few good things not just "one thing". They simply don't do it for whatever reasons.