What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?

Douglas Self wrote a devastating article about audio anomalies back in 1988. With all the necessary knowledge and measuring tools, he did not detect any supposedly audible changes in the electrical signal. Self and his colleagues were sure that they had proved the absence of anomalies in audio, but over the past 30 years, audio anomalies have not disappeared anywhere, at the same time the authority of science in the field of audio has increasingly become questioned. It's hard to believe, but science still cannot clearly answer the question of what electricity is and what sound is! (see article by A.J.Essien).

For your information: to make sure that no potentially audible changes in the electrical signal occur when we apply any "audio magic" to our gear, no super equipment is needed. The smallest step-change in amplitude that can be detected by ear is about 0.3dB for a pure tone. In more realistic situations it is 0.5 to 1.0dB'". This is about a 10% change. (Harris J.D.). At medium volume, the voltage amplitude at the output of the amplifier is approximately 10 volts, which means that the smallest audible difference in sound will be noticeable when the output voltage changes to 1 volt. Such an error is impossible not to notice even using a conventional voltmeter, but Self and his colleagues performed much more accurate measurements, including ones made directly on the music signal using Baxandall subtraction technique - they found no error even at this highest level.

As a result, we are faced with an apparently unsolvable problem: those of us who do not hear the sound of wires, relying on the authority of scientists, claim that audio anomalies are BS. However, people who confidently perceive this component of sound are forced to make another, the only possible conclusion in this situation: the electrical and acoustic signals contain some additional signal(s) that are still unknown to science, and which we perceive with a certain sixth sense.

If there are no electrical changes in the signal, then there are no acoustic changes, respectively, hearing does not participate in the perception of anomalies. What other options can there be?

Аny audible modulations and harmonics that power cable can cause will still be multiples of 60 Hz, which is a periodic interference. If such interference gets into the signal circuit, it is simply superimposed on the sound of music without changing the timbre, dynamics, or anything else that we can notice by ear when replacing the power cable. So we need some better explanation for power cables.

Your statement and conclusions are wrong. They will not only be harmonics of 60Hz, but also harmonics of the modulation of 60Hz and the audio signal (if they exist, and really more 120Hz). However, any comments about "dynamics" are questionable and likely not backed up factually, again to this blind testing thing.

I would like to hear some confirmation of your point of view.
Please explain what does "modulation of 60Hz and the audio signal" mean, and how this mysterious action differs from the usual addition of signals (mix), which usually occurs in the signal circuit.
Let me remind you of the question that you moved out of: If some objective interference enters the signal circuit and can be detected by ear, it should be easily measured. But we know that such interference cannot be measured in any serviceable amp. How can this be explained?

You keep insisting there is a demonstrably audible difference that cannot be detected by instruments. This simply is not true. Neither that the differences have been demonstrated in anything other than ad-hoc fashion (i.e. at least blind), nor that in that same situation no one could measure a difference.
Please explain what does "modulation of 60Hz and the audio signal" mean, and how this mysterious action differs from the usual addition of signals (mix), which usually occurs in the signal circuit.

That means 60Hz power, 1000Hz signal you could get 1120, 880, but also any mixed multiple of either.
No, some guy (Essien) who is not an expert on psychoacoustics, neural acoustics, neural processing, etc. stated that he discovered the unsolvable problem, that no one else thought of as unsolvable, and assigned himself as the expert (without peer review). When I read the things he writes, like that paragraph above, it just sounds really silly to me. There are other words that come to mind, and none of them are remotely kind because, what he wrote is silly.

I have to repeat: Essien refers to a lot of authoritative opinions, and you just reduce all their thoughts to zero without doubt. Whose words are silly then?
I dont understand the concern of those like dletch2 for the rest of us deluded souls.
There are two possible explanations. Some are overcome with religious fervor -  they are driven by fundamentalist evangelical  belief, i.e. "blind faith." The others simply come here to argue. Both get what they seek.