Phono Stage, Cartridge, DeGritter...which one first?

If you were considering any of these changes, which one would make the most immediate improvement without narrowing it down to a specific phono stage or cartridge...interested in some feedback from the analog folks here.
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I forgot to support my local Hifi store in the Chicagoland area. carry Rega, EAT, and Kirmus US cleaners. They also take trade ins. 
I have personally demoed all of this. I am still trying to decide between VPI and Rega. 
I get a chuckle from people who insult the intelligence of anyone who spends money differently that they do. Pretty comical, really.

If you are serious at all about vinyl, you really do need a cleaning system. An inexpensive vac cleaner is well worth the outlay. That's where I would start. Your current vinyl rig will thank you.

That said, and since you asked about it, I'll comment on the Degritter. I  used a Nitty Gritty vac for a few years and then a lower-end Clearaudio Matrix vacuum for another decade. Both did the job well but they were a hassle to use, so I ended up cleaning LPs a lot less often than I should have. Two months ago I broke down and bought a Degritter. I think it is a fantastic piece of gear. I've already cleaned more records than in the previous 5 years combined. I keep it in a walk-in closet so I don't hear it, slip in an LP and go listen to some music. In under 10 minutes, voila, the LP is clean and dry. And every record sounds great--better than all my careful scrubbing and vacuuming ever produced. Expensive? You bet, but worth every penny to me. YMMV, but I would not think you idiotic if it does.
@wrm57 ....exactly.... i can borrow the degritter for a few days from my local audio crack dealer because i have a relationship with him, he is a great dude. There are of course brush and wiper cleaning steps that can be easy to implement with Nitty Gritty and other vac machines. i use an aerospace grade disposable cloth wiper system w adhesive to attach to the Nitty Gritty manifold.

Had a nice conversation with Lloyd Walker just now, his system on order and i have a spare NG to implement that on. Will see how it does.....
The DeGritter is definitely the way to go.  I just upgraded my entire vinyl front end.  This was my order:  Turntable, phono stage, arm, degritter, cartridge.  (JR TRansrotor Rodino, Allnic H-3000, SME 5009, Airtight PC-1 Supreme - totally mind blowing upgrade from my VPI TNT jr, Rhea, Clearaudio Strad II and SME 309.  I haven't played digital since I upgraded.