From Naim to Luxman...?

Hey guys!

Have You tried the SQ-150N? Currently have an Atom and a Technics 1500C with an ortofon Concorde Century. Sometimes miss the soundstage or 3D and sweet of valve sound.

How do You compared that with the Atom or Leben CS300F or XS?

Will be paired with my Klipsch Heresy III.

I'm interested as well in your listening impressions of the Luxman SQ-N150 and Klipsch Herseys.
Check this thread out. The Luxman sq-150n wasn’t directly compared to the Naim Atom but the higher range 282/SupercapDR/250DR. The Luxman exceeded the expectations of the owner. Apart from the great sound quality, it is built like a tank, sculptured from perhaps art designers.

The owner intend to keep both Naim and Luxman though, 2 separate systems built around the amps.