Wilson Alexx V

The new Alexx V is to be released at the end of this month 3/29/21.  Any thoughts or predictions on how this one will compare to the current one.  I know no one will know for sure until it’s out.  They say it’s based off the XVX.  I believe this one may rival the XLF in a smaller package. New tweeter, midrange and increase in bass enclosure size and the new Xcaps.  More efficient?  Any thoughts?
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@rauliruegas  Another thing to add to your post, would be to attempt to listen in the room that the speaker is actually going to be placed in. IME the room makes such a huge difference, that anyone who is contemplating buyer a speaker at these price points really does need to listen in their system, and with their ancillary gear. 
I'm sure we all know fellow listeners who have acquired their dream speaker, only to be disappointed because they cannot make it work in their room, due to size constraints, poor amp/speaker synergy etc.,
@daveyf the thing with the big Wilson’s is they are quite the chameleon. A friend of mine has the Alexandria XLF’s and a Thor’s Hammer in a fairly small space. The setup dominates the room, but in a beautiful way, amazing system. Conversely, they would be right at home in a much larger space as well.
@geof3  Indeed with the right set up i have heard big Wilsons sound very good in less than enormous rooms. Although like any large speakers, they will still limit you to the room size, albeit less than a lot of other very large systems. 
Dear @carey1110 : Other alternatives can be: Focal where @albertporter can chime because he owns these top speakers and Tidal is other good option as could be Sonus Faber:




So Wilson or Magico are not alone out there and exist other options that not only can compete but even outpermos it.

The speakers market offer is truly wide open from the " humble " ones to the " dream " designs.

A totally diferent but good " humble " option are a very good small monitors along a pair of good designed self powered subwoofer with an external Xover crossing at around 80hz-90hz. Here one of this alternative:


with this Xover:


these could be the subs, these are a true subwoofer:


I can tell you that this last option could even or outperfors the V or the Magico, at least has the rigth characteristics and really good overall designs to do it.

Dear @carey1110 : Other great advantage to own/buy that posted last alternative is that you can choose between different mid/high frequency ranges monitors where you can find out in an " easy " way the kind of sound reproduction ( in that frequency range ) you are looking for.

You can listen different monitors coming not only from the manufacturers I posted the links but many others very good options out there.
Even in the future if you like a new monitor model for any speaker manufacturer you can buy it and you can sold/sale the ones you own a lot more easy that any of those expensive big speakers.

Other advantage is that your main amplifier or amplifiers not only will increment its headroom but that will performs way better " looking " only the easy mid/high frequency ranges and not the bass range that even in the amp intrude in the quality sound level and distortion levels of any amplifier.

Obviously that everything is up to you.
