CD or Streaming... am I missing out?

I listen to CD in my headphone office system. Use a Theta Compli transport and a very nice and pricey tube 16/44 DAC. Have thought about a streaming capability and all its benefits but am both limited by SPDF and by 16/44 only. I also love the analog sound of my tube DAC. Does streaming sound far surpass CD? Am I missing out?
Time to step back. 

A CD is a digital file limited to 44khz.

A streamer is a digital file and is at least 44khz or greater 

Streamers have thousands of tracks and one month subscription is the price of one CD.

The most determining sound quality factor is the DAC just like in a CD player. 

No brainer!

A streamer is a digital file and is at least 44khz or greater ... The most determining sound quality factor is the DAC just like in a CD player
This is completely mistaken. There are many streams of lesser quality than 44.1.

When playing a digital track - regardless of whether it’s from CD, NAS or a stream - the biggest "determining sound quality factor" is the quality of the file itself, imo.
CD'S are not as good as streaming,if you have the right equipment. Some of the steaming services offer HI-RES, also.
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