Totem Arro vs Silverline Prelude vs Salk Songtower

I'm setting up a bedroom system and need some advice. Budget $1-$2k. Amp will be a Peachtree Nova. Speakers will need to go close to the back wall. I've listened to the Arros and really liked their imaging & 3D sound. What else should I consider???
I think you're looking to cram a square peg into a round hole here. I've heard the Preludes and they do a nice job of creating a 3D image. In fact, you could probably save some coin for a bedroom system and get the Minuets because they do a great job of that as well (maybe even better). I've heard the Arros too and they also do that great disappearing act and throw up that big 3D stage, and although I haven't heard'em I'd bet the Salks do it too.

Here's the problem, I bet none of them create that magic 3D holographic imaging when shoved up against the back wall -- it'll just crush all those subtle nuances and reverb trails that convey that crucial information. Best of luck in your search, but if I were you I'd just go to my main system if I want that kind of soundstaging, or I'd pull my bedroom speakers out into the room for those times when I'm listening seriously. That said, I think you've got three good candidates here and would also add used Joseph Audio monitors to your list.
Good point, my main speakers need to be pretty far into the room or they loose all their 3D imaging. My bedroom speakers won't be up against the back wall, but there's not too much space to pull them into the room. I thought about the Minuets, but you add some nice stands & you're at the same price as the Preludes
Preludes are around $1500 now so the field has widened a bit. I think the small baffle profile is a big part of what makes 'em work. Also, I've heard some new Epos stuff in that price range that is sweet sounding.
I also auditioned the Minuets at RMAF, in the same room with the same music, and I did not like them at all, IMHO they could not compare to the Preludes, but YMMV...
I've been accused of "overselling" the Preludes as better than they are, but having upgraded some things around them lately (power supplies for my DAC and phono preamp, digital cable, speaker wires, vibrapods and butcher block stands that raise 'em a few inches, dusting, obscure pagan ceremonies), I can say with certainty that they ARE better than they are.