Suggest one obsure album we all should hear

I love when I discover an album that's new to me, and great.Please share one so we can all broaden our musical horizons.

Mine is:
Wishbone Ash  'Argus'
The Secret Policeman's Ball. Pete Townshend's acoustic pieces are beautifully recorded. (Guitar recording is a Gibson acoustic into a mic, not via piezo pickup.)


Hey Tom. Long time, no see. Hope you are doing well. You are the one who turned me onto dada at the listening session at Morrows way back when. I was lucky to find a used CD of Puzzle in good shape. Still one of my favorites. Glad you got to see them. I missed them at the Blue Note several years ago. Still regret not going. 

Maybe when this pandemic is over we can enjoy another  Cinci. area listening session somewhere.

Take care and be well. Jim Still
None more obscure than Hasil Adkins "Out to Hunch" includes the song "No more Hotdogs". Corey Greenburg reviewed it in his Stereophile days and it's a downright hoot! I ran across a vinyl copy in Austin and snagged it up and it really is as Corey describes.

Check it out here:

I have that Hasil Adkins album.  It is indeed strange--hillbilly punk that is ahead of its time.  My favorite cut of his is "We've Got a Date."

"New York Rock Ensemble- “Fields Of Joy”" I have loved this song..."

Album is "Roll Over". Yes, early 70's - my buddy and I were in Jr. High and we wore it out..... especially "Gravedigger".