Grounding with a Earth box?

OK so help be understand something.   I understand the value of grounding equipment, but what is the value of having a woodbox with salt, earth, minerals etc  do for grounding?  How is supposed to work or be better?

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I'm not going to read through all the responses to this question but the OCD Guy video if anyone actually watched it says straight out that the box he built and I'm not sure that he actually sells them is not a replacement for a proper ground system outside your home.  He actually has a video( )  showing how he installed his power and ground.  Plus he shows the inside of the Cohiba cigar box that he used to make his ground box.  Very simple and he is the first one to state that he is not going to go in to some pseudo science on why it works.  He states that for someone living in a second story or higher apartment, residence that it may work if you cannot install a proper outdoor system.  As for the expensive Swedish stuff and the rest, I won't call them quackery (but that's what I kinda think) because I had dismissed other ideas, tweaks as ridiculous that I don't anymore.  Watching the OCD Guy's recent video on analog/digital comparison; outside of a dealer demo, the best video that I ever saw.  
Puritan has a unique approach to extra grounding.
Despite possible appearances to the contrary, whatever they are doing passes all the British safety code electrical standards.
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Odds are @twoleftears , it is just Y-capacitors connecting the two terminals together.  They are a type of capacitor that fails "safe" ... i.e. it does not form a short, but stays being a capacitor.