Shunyata interconnect cables experience

Just a general question, does anyone have experience with Shunyata interconnect cables? RCA's. I am not talking power cables, but interconnects. I know their reputation in the power side of things. 
Reason I am asking is I just received their Alpha USB cable for between my Innuos Zen mkIII and Chord Qutest and I am pretty darn impressed with what I am hearing. I am replacing a Cardas High speed USB cable (the one with the double run of cable). The Cardas is a nice cable, but this Shunyata Alpha is just stunning, now I know its about 3x the cost, but I just hear so much deeper into the music. It has such a black background. Its very detailed yet very refined, hard to explain, its just more natural and musical. I have Shunyata Venon power cables, the NR V10 and NR V12 so I was already familiar with their quality and reputation on the power side of things. This was my first experience with any type if component cable.
So it makes me curious if their interconnects provide the same type of results? I am running a pair of Cardas Clear Cygnus between my Qutest and Primaluna. The Cygnus is a nice cable but now I wonder after trying the Shunyata Alpha USB, what am I missing with the interconnects?
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The V2 cables are a revelation. The added silver to the copper hollow tube design elevated the performance unbelievably.  Try a pair of Delta V2 and Alpha V2 from The Cable Company and hear for yourself what they do.
Personally I believe that interconnects don’t have as much effect on the sound as speaker cables. Currently in addition to some other well known brands I am using Shunyata which were a revelation as I always thought of them as a power cable company. Installing a pair of the Comp Sigma 1 speaker cables in my system quickly made me buy a pair of the same interconnects which were also very good but not the game changer the speaker cables were. I should have known better but I borrowed a pair of the Shunyata Comp Sigma 2 speaker cables from the cable company. The Sigma 1’s have a midrange to die for but the top end although good was not quite as as good as the midrange and low end.. The 2’s are disconcerting as they are almost too revealing which I find surprising in a speaker cable. Needless to say, I ended up buying the 2’s but if you find a good deal on the 1’s buy them as they were as good or better than speaker cables I tried and owned that cost quite a bit more.
I had Venoms with my ARC LS 17 SE and Parasound JC5. Excellent interconnect for the $. I make my own now, but those were some of my favorites.
I'm a believer in cable quality for interconnects and somewhat with power but within the digital realm you're mostly chasing ghosts in USB cables given error correction built into the standards and the strength of signal that allows for very, very long runs (on the Ethernet side).