Better Amp for Cornwall IV's...

...Parasound 2250 v.2 / 200 Pre combo, which I own, or Denon PMA-1600NE integrated, which I don't, but I admire the build quality and appearance of?  My Parasound is rated 275W into 8 Ohms / 400W into 4, while the Denon is 70W into 8 and 140 into 4.  Of course, the Klipsch Cornwall IV's are quite sensitive and are rated 8 Ohms.  Maybe more than which is better, which would you all prefer?
Quality solid state watts at reasonable prices?

McCormack DNA-0.5 (upgraded versions too if you can find one)

Jeff Rowland Model 2 or Model 1 if your budget is lower

Conrad Johnson MF-2250

If your budget is higher, First Watt offerings or one of Pass class A amps (XA30.5, 30.8) would be worth looking into.

jdmccall - If it "wasn't THAT loud", you may be a db-holic...
Nah...I try to be careful.  If I can't hear the sound of my own natural speaking voice when the music is playing, I turn it down.  I usually stay in the 90-95dB range on peaks.  Loud but not TOO loud.
I have a 70wpc PrimaLuna EVO 400 tube integrated that I drive my Cornwall IVs with and it provides waaaaaaaaay more than enough power to push the speakers to deafening levels without breaking a sweat.  Given that, I'm sure the 70wpc Denon would also be a great choice for the Cornwalls.

You mentioned the DCD-1600NE.  I just received the Denon DCD-A110 SACD player and I'm so impressed with it that it has me thinking about buying the matching integrated (PMA-A110).  In other words, I think your experience with your SACD player will mirror the experience you'll have with the PMA-1600NE.  I wouldn't hesitate for a second to buy the Denon amp if the quality of Denon's other hi-fi gear is any indication what to expect.