Which speakers to be ''in'' the music?

Hey everyone, I started my journey not so long ago and tried different entry level models of brands such as Triangle, Paradigm and Monitor Audio. Right now I listen to a pair of Vandersteen 2ce Sig II which do a lot of good things for me. But what I want is not for the music to be laid out in front of me, clearly organized, I want to be IN the music, I want depth and verticalilty, good imaging but I don’t need super precise or realistic soudstage. I listen to all sorts of music but mainly Jazz, classical and electronic music. Which brand of speakers would have such philosophy? Due to covid it’s really hard to organize listening session so I would like to have some insights before booking appointments. My budget for the next pair will be around 7.5K usd, so kind of entry/mid level still. Any suggestions?

I am french, so sorry for the clunky english.

Best regards,

+1 williewonka and erik_squires

Without those , it is like eating a exquisite meal in a cardboard plate,
with plastic utensils.
´´ Excellent speakers’´ is not the only parameter for what you are looking for .
Votre anglais est meilleur que le mien !
Thanks everybody for all the the thoughtful responses! You definetly gave me a lot of options to audition and I can’t wait to discover all of those speakers.
And I want to reassure everyone that I know that speakers is just one of many aspects needed to make a coherent and musical system, but I know different speaker brands have different philosophy so I just want to make a foundation that goes in the right direction for me. I am moving in a new house in which I will be fortunate enough to treat a room dedicated for listening sessions. I know the next steps will be to find the right cables, amplification, dac, pre-amp and such!

It is a journey and I really like it so far, you guys are the best community, really helpful and kind. Thanks again!
Pick any of the Tannoy’s prestige series speakers within your budget  plus room acoustic panels from GIK....you will be set for life! 
I’d add ATC speakers to your list.  In your price range the SCM 40v2 might be a good choice.  Best of luck. 
Bonjour Maurice

Did you find the Vandersteen's overall presentation slightly different than your previous speakers?
I don't mean more bass or sizzling highs but rather their basic musicality?
Did the Vandersteen's seem any less fatiguing over longer periods of time?

I owned Paradigm Studio 100s and Triangle Comet in my home theater.

Considering the warmth and hospitality I experienced while there I apologize to France for my pathetic attempt at speaking French which I would compare to garbage falling.

As a native Californian, French wine is - well...