Has anyone heard the SAT XD1

As a Swede I was a bit proud years ago that we had a very good Swedish made turntable, the Forsell Air Reference. They don't make them anymore but you can find some used ones on different sites.

Now we seem to have a new Swedish made turntable again! 
The SAT (Swedish Audio Technology) XD1 
I don't even have a table but I am happy. Too bad it is priced out of range for almost all of us. On the other hand Fremer seems to think it is one of the best tables in the world right now. Very high praises. I hope I can hear it some day at some audio show, even though I personally probably won't hear much difference from other high end turntables.



Davey, I can’t agree with you that stratospheric product pricing such as we see with regard to SAT is going to ruin the hobby.
I can’t possibly imagine how the presence of one high-priced product - or even 5, or 10, or 2,500 - could possibly destroy an entire industry. It really takes a leap of logic to believe otherwise.

High-priced products have long been part of audio’s high end. That’s nothing new.
I forgot to mention that Davey was right to point out there is no analogy between the value or cost of vintage Ferrari race cars and the SAT turntable or tonearms.  I think the masochist in me just loves to tell that story.
It is unfortunate that IME having spoken to a number of college age folks that the overall impression that they have of our hobby is that it is one for the ultra well to do.( they seem to believe this from their exposure to the high priced gear that exists in the hobby, and remember that to most...a thousand dollars is beyond their reach...so when we are talking of gear that costs as much as most people’s houses, well!!) While what lewm says is true, there is a revived interest in vinyl, it has ( from what I can tell) nothing to do with the audiophile hobby, and more to do with the physical media itself.
I thought the most interesting part of the SAT TT review was comparing it favorably to the OMA slate and cast iron TT.
Has anyone heard that one?

While what lewm says is true, there is a revived interest in vinyl, it has ( from what I can tell) nothing to do with the audiophile hobby, and more to do with the physical media itself.
The largest turntable market here in New Zealand by a considerable margin is not audiophiles, it is university students buying DJ decks from music shops - low cost direct drives from Pioneer/Technics et al.