Questioning Tannoy, Tekton or other possible change.

Upgradeitis is setting in. I am wondering what I should consider first: speakers, amp, power cable or other?
Where’s the weak link?

Current setup:

Amp: Line Magnetic LM805ia (SET) with NOS tubes

Cables: Power: Shunyata Venom V10 NR, RCA: Cardas Golden Presence and Duelund. speaker cables: Shunyata Anaconda, Ethernet: Supra Cat 8, Tone audio EtherREGEN, DS220J Synology DS220+ NAS, 3x dedicated power lines (10ga)

Speakers: Tannoy Turnberry, DEBRA sub-array utilizing 2x SA1000 amplifiers

Streamer/DAC: Lumin S1, Shunyata Etron Alpha Digital power cord

I’ve been eyeballing the Tekton Moabs, but I’d rather not expend the energy/time/money if they are not a whole lot better than my Tannoy’s. Does anyone have experience with both Tannoy and Tekton? If so, are Moabs a worthwhile change, or stick with what I have? The other thing I wonder is if Moabs are ok for my 15x20 room with an 8ft ceiling?


There is NO weakest link.  You have an excellently balanced system.

You don't mention what it is you're trying to achieve, other than scratching the upgraditis itch.

What you describe will be, at best, a lateral move (different, but at best lateral).

If you have $$ burning a hole in your pocket, I'd put them into acoustically treating the room.
I predict both will perform similarly well with your amp but the difference in sound will be nearly as profound as the difference in aesthetics and which is better will come down largely to a matter of personal preference.

If its as simple as wanting something different, then the Tektons may well float your boat. Very different.....

I predict the bold and brash American-made Tektons will grab your attention compared to the more Britishly reserved and phase coherent Tannoys. Then the question will be can the Tektons retain it over time?

Personally, I always lean towards more phase coherent designs over time for hours upon hours of continuous listening pleasure, but that is just me.
Most relatively GOOD speakers must be choosen to accomodate a particular audio system and room acoustic in nearfield listening and/or in regular listening...

NO speakers by itself will beat the acoustical embedding of a room, and no 2 pairs of speakers more or less on the same scale of quality can be choosen at the risk of being wrong, BEFORE one has already set his room on all embeddings count, particularly the acoustical one....

How can we compare 2 speakers in a bad room? How can someone could know what his taste will be relatively to 2 speakers in a bad room?

Perhaps one will sound better in the bad room, and the other will outshine the other only in an acoustically controlled embedding....

For example magneplanar ask for some critical precautions in a room that no small box speakers will ask for at the same level of criticality....

Tannoy dual cone ( i owned 2 pairs) are legendary speakers, Tekton, new tech very well reviewed certainly will be very different.... Better? For some yes, for others no.... It depend strongly in which room and secondarily with which electronics the comparison will be....

An upgrade is often a side grade.....

The factors that make possible the difference between a side grade and an upgrade are for me the controls of the mechanical, electrical, and acoustical embeddings , relatively to a choosen speakers even before very often the choosing of the amplifier and the dac all things being equals...

I will repeat myself, the embeddings controls dont make a SMALL difference, they make the BIGGER difference, most of the times relatively to most possible upgrades, except for sure the change from a low scale electronic to a very high scale one, thats all....This big Tannoy speakers are no so low relatively to the Tekton and perhaps relatively on par in quality to the Tekton... Then.....

My best to all....
If you're considering a change in speakers, why not go up the line in Tannoy? Try the new Cheviots with the 12" driver, or even higher up. Look at Latik's system, he's got some very nice Tannoys that he loves.

I would definitely  try that first, if it were me.

Cheviot are better than the Turnberry? I think this is a side grade not an upgrade.... Perhaps i am wrong?