Spend my money

I'm relatively new to this endeavor and would love some advice from more knowledgeable and experienced members. I was hoping to receive your recommendations for upgrading my system at 3 different price points ($500/$1000/$2000), and what upgrade you believe would have the most impact.
For my listening habits, I go analog about 25% of the time and the rest is usually digital streaming Tidal/Qobuz. Also I use headphones around a third of the time. I listen to many genres from jazz to punk to kpop to rap to classical to everything in between.

One upgrade I can't do right now is to add a subwoofer. I live in an apartment and I get more bass than I can use already.

So how would you spend $500? Or $1000 or $2000? I know my system is very modest compared to the ones here but it brings me much joy every day!

Current system:
  • Emotiva TA-100
  • Paradigm Monitor 7
  • Blusound Node 2i
  • Fluance RT82
  • Hifiman Sundara
  • Schitt Modi
  • Schitt Magni
  • Schitt Sys
  • Schitt Mani
Thanks to all for your advice!

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Funkbass4, I think you should get a cookie jar and continue saving. You love music and you want to do it justice. Save for a system that you will be happy keeping for a while. Do not waste money on intermediate steps unless there is a specific problem you are having that you want to address now. 
What’s your room like? Have you looked at acoustic treatments? Is your chair comfy enough? Do you need a rack to better organize things? Do you need to reposition your layout? How about a headphone stand? Do you have a decent surge protector so your system doesn’t get fried by lightning?

What are you using the Sys for? Have you considered adding a Loki to your stack of Schiit to help control your bass? Are you even using the tuner or DAC in your TA-100? Could you consolidate a bunch of functions with a better integrated and ditch a whole bunch of cables? There must be something out there at a reasonable price that has a good DAC, phono stage, and headphone output.

What do you think you’re missing or do you just want to do “better” in an undefined, unplanned, organic way - the audiophile equivalent to swimming upstream to spawn?

Finding such a majority I feel could at least given me some feedback about what components might be worth upgrading first.

Won’t get that here. What you will get is a hodge podge of recommendations.You’d do as good to plaster a wall with a random assortment of Stereophile and start throwing darts. But don’t take my word for it, scroll up and read. What I said. ;)

The truth is everything matters. So take one thing at random- speaker placement. You could spend the rest of the day moving and measuring and listening and get that one thing dialed in just perfect because I can guarantee you right now its not, and just that one thing would be as good an improvement as any component your $500 will buy you. Or you could put that same $500 into finding a really good power cord. And everyone will howl but the truth is you will hear it and it will massively elevate your system. Or you could put a grand into a really good cartridge and be amazed that way too.

Its precisely because everything matters that no one can tell you what you want to know. Asking a bunch of random dudes is fine over a beer and there’s definitely a crowd here acts like that’s what this is, a bar, where you go to shoot the breeze. To answer your questions seriously we need to know quite a lot about you. Not your component list. You. What you like in the way of sound. What you want in the way of a system. Not just now but years from now.

There are for example two major schools of system building- One and Done, and Lifetime Achievement. One and Done you buy a bunch of stuff all nicely matched around the same level and that’s it you’re done for years maybe forever. Lifetime Achievement you aim to upgrade not just components but the whole system over the course of many years.

If you’re Lifetime Achievement then there are times when you will stretch to buy something like a turntable that is quite a bit better than people will tell you your system deserves. But it will last you a good long time and during that time you will gradually upgrade everything until maybe one day its the turntable that needs upgrading. Or amp. Whatever. Point is not what, but how.

Right now you are focused on what to buy. When you should be focused on what are you doing? Because once you know that a lot of these other things will fall into place.

Wow such a variety of responses!

I actually have spent quite a bit of time adjusting my speaker placement. Although I don't have complete freedom in where they placed, I'm pretty happy right now with imaging and soundstage.

I would love to add a sub or two in the future, but for now I have to keep peace with the neighbors, especially because my landlord lives in the unit directly below me. My speaker are front ported floorstanders with two 6.5" woofers each, so they do a decent job with bass on most of the music I listen to.

catdoorman - the room is a little weird. it's part of an open living area. to the left of the listening position are sliding glass doors with vertical blinds. Behind the system and the listening couch are drywall. To the right is open space leading to the kitchen, dining room and entry. Floors are hardwood but covered almost entirely by a rug in the room with the system.  listening chair is good. rack is good. have a couple headphone stands. No power conditioning just a couple of belkin surge protectors. 

Until recently I had been using the dac, headphone amp and phono preamp in the TA-100. The modi and magni were in the bedroom/office laptop. But a little while ago I decided to try to modi instead of the internal dac for the nodi 2i. Then I went ahead and hooked up the magni and mani to just to try something new. You're right about it being a whole bunch of cables. 

I haven't mention my cables because they are nothing special. I have the PYST interconnects between all the Schitt boxes. 

Maybe cables and power should be my next investment?