My thoughts on TT isolation methods.

I have done extensive research on isolation platforms and with help from the Audiogon community plus many hours of listening. Its not scientific and I did not measure results but here it goes. I have tried MDF board, Granite with both and alone and cork and or neoprene rubber and truck bed material as sandwich material. Granite and marble are beautiful and mass loading. It would probably be OK for a suspension loaded TT but not as good a choice for a mass loaded TT like mine. I finally invested in a 4 inch maple slab and 4 cork rubber sandwich supports that is common in industrial machine dampening. Its better and doesn't give the sound as much detail. With detail. =harshness. Its the best I have found. With less edginess and no harshness but more neutral detail. You can use 2 MDF boards which come close. Ok, if you want the absolute best for an expensive TT get an electron microscope isolation device which costs in the thousands. You could get one for a much cheaper TT but at that point you should just invest more in a TT for more bang for the buck. I think thats what Michael Fremers 100k plus Caliburn TT comes with. Look at one of his videos. The other very low cost option is a sand box. I heard a TT in one before and it sounded great but that was a 30k Clearaudio TT. I almost went with that. I thought about suspending it from the ceiling but mine is 80 lbs. I hope this helps!

I’d love for you to critique my Rock 7 set-up. Go to my systems page.

Thanks, I can take it.


I built one step one go to granite shop pick an appropriate sized scrap piece, Step 2 picked up a 1 inch thick sheet of MDF, Step 3 cut up an old yoga mat and glued it between the properly sized marble and MDF piece.  Clamped them together and let the silicone glue dry.
Total cost about $20 in materials and a couple hours of my time.
It works great.

I have had Isopads for a quite some time and last night decided to use them under my VPI Classic 1.  The difference was VERY noticeable.  Cheap and easy tweek.  
I have the best turntable isolation.  The TT's (and electronics) are in a different room.  no vibration at all.  It was my laundry room, and has a dedicated 30 amp outlet... actually two from the old dryer outlet, which is now a duplex 110.  It cost well under $5.
@blueranger Sorry I'm late to the party. I too use the 4 inch Maple blocks and am very happy with them. Mapleshade makes the best ones IMO.