Suggestions for some Monitor Audio

Hello everyone, im new in this Hifi world, so i´ll like some suggestions, im looking to buy a pair of Monitor Audio Bronze 2. Which amp would you suggest for those Speakers, analog, digital?
The range of price im looking into is around $2,500 us. 
Thank you

I’d add a used Bryston B135 SST2 or B100 SST, Hegel H160, or NuPrime IDA-8 or IDA-16. Best of luck. 
$2500 integrated on some Monitor Audio Bronze?  Noooo!

Brother, get a pair of used Monitor Audio Gold 100’s or Gold GX100’s.

Use the rest of your budget for a good preowned integrated.  You can get a great preowned integrated for $1000-$1500.  You Can get a pair of nice Monitor Audio GX100’s for $1200.

The Sphinx is wonderful but I would plan on getting a pair of NOS Mullards to warm the sound a hair.  They will be a good match.