Pass Labs int 60 vs. Luxman 590 uX ii

Any opinions when matched with Focal 1038 be? An Aesthetx Mima just became available and looks pretty good...All 3 in the same price range...Any experience with these 3 and the Focal?
The Luxman L-590 isn't low powered. The 30watts is presumably the Class A rating, the amp will produce 90watts/channel into 8 ohms, according to a couple of reviews where it was actually measured. Nearly doubles that into 4 ohms.
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I would look at the Naim Audio Super Nait 3 integrated. Naim and Focal are part of the same company. My dealer sells both Naim and Focal and they make an excellent pairing.

wisdom here i think...
Doh, I retract my retraction so deleted it. 

Here's the piece I find important.

Per Luxman's website, the 590 has:

Bipolar 3-parallel push-pull

But the 509 has:

Bipolar 4-parallel push-pull

Implying a lower output impedance.

Is this critical?  No, but my experience is that amps are more sensitive to a speaker's impedance than we believe from the pure math. On the other hand, the 507 also has only 3, and I find it very capable, but .... my speakers have a higher minimum.

So, if you had the chance to listen to both, I'd 100% recommend you listen to what happens in the mid bass as a factor to consider.  It may be zero, you may even like it.

Also, yes, the 590's actual power output for music listening will be the equal of the 509/507.


Can you elaborate on your statement regarding the mid-bass, Erik. I'm not sharp enough to know what you're getting at.

Maybe related, maybe not, but one of my first impressions with my amp was how well it took control of the bass. Admittedly, it was a huge step up from my prior (antiquated) piece.