Am I too big of a jerk,even for audiogon?

Let me explain. I have extremely high and very vague standards. I look down on everything, and I mean everything, never talking about specifics or my own point of reference. I’ve looked down not just on people and equipment but science and facts as well. They are far far beneath me.  It is all too much for me to explain, but I am sure you are all doing it wrong.  WRONG, with a bold, underlined and hooker-script WRONG font used here.

I start these crazy troll posts which are incredibly successful in nabbing a lot of the regulars in audiogon.

I should be very happy with myself, but sometimes I have to wonder if my level of jerk is too much for all of you too handle. I’m trying to blaze a path, but are you with me audiofools or not???
Maybe that problem of being randomly signed in under someone elses name hasn't been totally, absolutely corrected...
You are the biggest turkey on audio and kenjit stay away nobody will miss your posts.
Whats most impressive is the whackamolean (copyright) ease in which change your definitions to suit whatever conclusions you currently posit. These are skills normally seen at the highest levels of deceit e.g. lawyers, used car salesmen, congress, etc. I think your talents are better served elsewhere
Be wary of statements attributable to;
" four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion" 
who remain unnamed, especially in the absence of hard evidence and when there are others willing to share their names who refute those claims. 
I find it difficult to put up with all the lies and misdirection that will be thrown around by all sides in the next two months, so I tend to look at what the candidates have actually done/accomplished rather than what they say....which I mostly don't believe.