Are systems genre dependent?

I know a lot of people believe if a system is well balanced, it should sound superb in all genres of music (Rock, Classical, Folk etc.). To a large extent, that is true.  But I also think that systems can be skewed in favor of particular styles of music.  I really don’t believe my system, which is very well set up for classical, can fully do justice to most kinds of rock.  And, conversely, I’ve heard systems that really rock but don’t sound really top notch in classical.  Now, I’m not saying that a balanced system will sound bad or even mediocre in any kind of music.  Just, that for ultimate performance  systems do vary in presentation.
What do you think?
I can relate to this thread. Back years ago when I decided to really upgrade my system I bought some rather expensive, at least to me, Dynaudio speakers that sounded simply wonderful with about anything BUT rock.

Problem was, I was still into rock for the most part and learned and an expensive lessen and didn't keep the speakers a real long time.

Fast forward to now and rarely listen to rock unless it's on the motorbike.
The only sound that matters on my motorbike is the musical tone of a set of Norman Hyde Togas.

Anyone who thinks good home hifi rigs are "music specific" seems to me to be unaware of the nature musical dynamics, or the limits of design on output level. Obviously a small speaker won't play as loud or produce low frequencies as well as something larger, but so what? I have extremely powerful live sound gear that could move a building but also can reproduce a string quartet with astonishing intimacy, and I was throughly entertained one afternoon in the early 70s by a European friend's tiny LS3/5As playing a new Jethro Tull album, albeit minus low bass (made up for by sheer astonishing musicality hinting at bass). If the TONALITY of a system is bad with solo violin it will be bad with a '52 Telecaster, and it's just bad. Period. Any well sorted full range rig will play any music, period again.
"If the TONALITY of a system is bad with solo violin it will be bad with a '52 Telecaster, and it's just bad"
But I really think a flea watt amp was never meant to do justice to heavy metal for example.But can be fabulous with BB King on the other hand.
My MAGICO based system sounds great with every kind of music as it should be.