Sonny Rollins - “Best” Saxophone Colossus CD?

Title says it. Looking for opinions on the best cd version of Saxophone Colossus.
Looking on Discogs there are multiple Prestige versions and some others so wondering which to get.
and... If you have other Rollins recommendations ( I have Way Out West- which I love) or even other recordings I might like.
and, yes I get it... cd’s are not vinyl or streaming... but it’s what I got! Thank you all.

I don't have an answer for you, although I usually search stevehoffman forum for opinions of best versions before buying. There are many informed listeners there!
You don't mention if your CD player has SACD capability. The Analog Productions SACD I have is great, as is Way Out West. If you have SACD playing capability, these are the versions I recommend. 

i have both a 20 bit and an SACD and they both sound damn fine to me.
oh and i have a second mono pressing of this stupendous album for my analog setup.