Anybody want a laugh?

Yes, thatโ€™s a network switch marketed to Audiophiles.ย 
@glupson It's up to whom is interested.ย  I prefer to give more infos than less.
I just hope it can help audiophiles make good choices for themselves and better spend their money for the ultimate goal: Enjoy music and good sound!
Post removed 

I thought it was for a small group who will understand. It was just a "wow" to me how many letters and numbers were there. For those initiated, it was probably as clear as a day.
All the posturing could maybe have been avoided from the start by listening to what this guy had to say, who actually put in the time testing, listening and comparing - one of the few voices in audio who strives to be independent and objective, never shilling anything for anyone. His reviews are dry to a fault, so if you can't make it through the whole thing, just listen to his "bombshell" conclusion, which is note-worthy as he is not one prone to hyperbole: